Singing(Running) in the rain

I feel like running.
I itch. I yearn. I crave a good run.

Ha! Only took four days back to get back into gear.
I didn't think I could easily wake up at 6:30am again.
But here I am 10am, already had my 7 mile in and am ready for work.

Man oh man- I just need to keep it up.
This morning was exactly what I needed.
It was truly serene in a way.

I began my morning as usual. Hit the snooze button twice before I was too awake to hit it again. Chia seed drink followed by coffee and I'm out the door.
It was quite hazy this morning. The streets were wet from a night full of mist and light rain and as I finished my first mile it began sprinkling.

Well the sprinkle turned into a slight rain.
What a feeling to be in a tank top, shorts, warm weather and its raining!
Get this- I've only ran in the rain once before and to be honest I try to avoid it like the plague.
But... I LOVED IT!
I never thought I would say that.

Its was a beautiful experience.
Corny I know.
But the overwhelming sensation was extraordinary.
With each step, each movement, each turn I took I was overwhelmed with a feeling of accomplishment.

I don't know why- I think my senses were just heightened.
But it was great and that was the point I was trying to make.

I think it helped that I was listening to Jonsi :)

Its gloomy and windy outside in the city of angels and I LOVE IT.

Something fun to read in regards to yesterdays post!
How a vegan diet helped me run 100 miles.

The amazing power of Cayenne?

Cayenne Pepper is a miracle herb. It has been shown to stop heart attacks in 30 seconds flat, can hinder internal bleeding and induces cancer cell death without harming other cells. There have been reports where people who have had heart attacks and were lucky enough to have someone shove a teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed with water down their throat the heart attack... halted almost immediately. You can also improve your digestive problems, cramping, and bloating or blood circulation with Cayenne Pepper.
Cayenne pepper has the ability to move the blood which is it an essential element in cleansing the body. If your blood circulation is working at its peak your body is able to process waste material better. Cayenne pepper speeds up the removal of toxins from your body when you are participating in colon cleansing but when used as a regular part of your diet can have enormous health and ongoing cleansing benefits.
Cayenne pepper is very tasty and can be added to just about any vegetarian or savoury meal.
Cayenne Pepper can also be added to your first aid kit for its antiseptic and antibiotic qualities for cuts and burns.

OK. Time to make some mulah!

Till next time,
Peace, love and happiness

I find it hard to wear heels after a nice run and some lunges.
Maybe not the best decision on my part:/