Leona Divide Preview Weekend

What am I doing?
I think I'll just turn around...

I look ahead.
Breath in.
Breath out.

I can do this.

I continue onward and upward (quite literally).

You know what sounds good right about now?
Sleeping in.
Laying by the beach.
Taking the new pup on a walk.
Going to the farmers market.

In all honesty, anything and everything sounds better.

My muscles ache in places I didn't know possible.

But I continue, onward and upward.

Breath in.
Breath out.

I continue on my negativity throughout this onward and upward quest which is absolutely not the best thing right now.
But it's what I've focused on.

I'm questioning my recent choices in life.
I'm questioning my sanity.

Maybe my friends and family were right?
Maybe this is just not for me?
Maybe I AM crazy?
Maybe, oh maybe, I just can't do it.

I pound on my quads to wake up.
FOCUS I tell myself.

WHO are you?
Who is this negative person?

I never invite Debbie Downer to visit. She has been banned from paying unexpected visits.
Only I can determine how this goes,
and you know what!
I'm going to knock the socks off this shizz.

I think of why I'm doing this.
I think of Coach Carlos mission moment.
I think of my dad.

So I continue.
Onward and upward.

But I continue... to run.
(cue inspirational music)

I look back at the Leona Divide Preview Weekend and know that I was given a rude awakening.
50 Miles is not a joke, you have to take it seriously- your health, your fitness, and definitely your mentality.

Overall, It was a successful weekend. Yes, Saturday was a bad day for me.
But I think it had a lot to do with being unprepared and honestly, just having a bad day.

Sunday on the other hand- it reminded me of why I signed up with Team in Training, why I signed up for an Ultra Marathon.

I love to run.

My coaches really planned an excellent weekend. Their time, dedication and overall ultra-AH-mazingness is inspiring.
They are the icing on our ultra cake.
The chips in our ultra chocolate chip cookie.
They are just amazing people that make life just a little bit sweeter and without them- well, I obviously wouldn't be running... far.

So, in 30 days I plan on proving some people wrong.
I will prove to myself and everyone else that this, what I'm doing, it's right.
I will prove that yes I'm crazy, but for all the right reason,
and I will prove to myself that even what looks impossible, is actually obtainable, and that I can do anything I set my mind to.

In 30 days, I will have accomplished my first 50 mile run.

It's absolutely NUTS.

I think of how I got here.
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society, Team in Training, and my Father.

Without them, who knows where I'd be now.
Who knows who'd I be now.

With them by my side, shoot. I'm running Ultra Marathons.
What's next.
100 milers?
Iron Mans?


30 Days till I see you again Leona Divide.

Till next time,
Peace, love and happiness.