Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken

Sweat drips down my forehead.
My sweatshirt clings to my skin as I push the arms up.
"That trash can there, you know- right there... that's where I'll turn around"
As I walk past I pick my next point to where I'd turn around- not wanted to finish my run at all. But again, I keep going.
Sweat covers my body.
The sounds of birds talking and bunnies wrestling are in the distance.
The aroma of horse feces fills the air.
And then I come to a fork in the road.
Do I go right and sprint the last half a mile that I always do?
Should I be consistent and regular with my workout and just continue to the top?
Or should I go left- the unknown road I've never attempted.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth

7:30 am
My nose is stuffed.
My head feels like a balloon?
What's wrong with me?
Have I really fallen ill? Or is my body just trying to tell me something?

It won't hurt if I don't run today.
I can stay home and work on my fundraising necklaces and some new articles for the websites. Can I really? Me- stay home?
As I continue to lay in bed thinking of all I could have accomplished already by 8:30am if I only listened to my alarm clock.
Today, is my one day off this week, I have things I want to do that could not be done during the past week and laying in bed will not help.

Sweating will be good for me.
Reluctantly I got out of bed and began to dress for a run.

I began my trek up Bronson toward the beautiful Griffith Park and was just not into it. Should I just turn around and run to my garden instead? Should I run to the entrance gate and back and call it a day?
As I continued running I pondered all these questions and ended up pushing them aside.
As I entered the gate- I tucked my iPod away. Griffith Park is where the only music you need is the sound of birds signing their song, the wind playing with the trees and the bunnies frolicking in the bushes.
My mind was else where today.
I continued punching myself for being lazy.
It didn't help that the sound of a guy behind me was all I could think about.
How far back is he? He's catching up to me? He's going to pass me! And now he is passing me!
What's wrong with me? I should be in a state of serenity. I'm surrounded by nature and beauty and all I could think about is irrelevant things manifesting in my mind.
"I should just turn around"
"I should have just stayed home"
Sweat drips down my forehead.
My sweatshirt clings to my skin as I push the arms up.
"That trash can there, you know- right there... that's where I'll turn around"
As I walk past I pick my next point to where I'd turn around- not wanted to finish my run at all. But again, I keep going.
Sweat covers my body.
The sounds of birds talking and bunnies wrestling are in the distance.
The aroma of horse feces fills the air.
And then I come to a fork in the road.
Do I go right and sprint the last half a mile that I always do?
Should I be consistent and regular with my workout and just continue to the top?
Or should I go left- the unknown road I've never attempted.

"Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,e

I turned left. Leaving all my troubles and worries behind.
This new light fills my mind.
As though everything past thought has been cleared and serenity has taken its place.
I take in the beauty and wonders of this new trail never looking down at the road but up at all the new sights.

One mile goes by, then two.
I sit on the white picket fence underneath the Hollywood sign and collect my thoughts.
"How did I get here?"
Where I was, the nature and beauty surrounding me would make an amazing picture.
But no picture would capture the feeling I was overwhelmed with.
It wouldn't even come close.

The run home was quite enjoyable.
Almost going by too fast.
But I thank myself.
Because leaving this morning- I was a different person.
One that would let things get to her.
I can do anything.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Till next time,
Peace, love and happiness.